So you have students ready to play, you have a location and a time. Now you just need games to get your club started. But which games are the best ones to start your journey into the world of gaming with students.

We took the guess work out of the equation for you, and recommend the following kind of games for a variety of reasons. We highlight each, and let you know why you will like to include it in your club.

  • Party Games  – Apples to Apples is the classic here but variations on it are popular as well.  I recommend looking into the games Likewise, Last Word, The T-Shirt Game and Blurt.  Also be sure to familiarize yourself with the new party game sensation, Werewolf.
  • Adventure Games – Games that capture the imagination are always popular.  Some games that fall into this category include Incan Gold, Forbidden Island, and if you can track down copies of the out of print games Dungeon, Heroquest, or Heroscape you will have simple but fun games kids will want to play again and again.
  • Card Games – Card games have the advantage of being affordable and typically having simple rules.  Some favorites in the group include; dexterity games Slamwich and Halli Galli, Zeus on the Loose, Sleeping Queens and Duck, Duck Bruce.

These suggestions are appropriate for upper age elementary students, if you are starting a club with older or younger students you may need to choose games that are more or less complex.