This year’s G.A.M.E. MTS PD Day Registration opens on September 3, 2019 at 8:00am. 

Our conference this year is highlighted with Keynote Speaker Lucas Gillespie. Last year Lucas joined us remotely from North Carolina, but we are very excited to have him join us this year in person! Lucas will start the day then lead a couple of our sessions.

We also have a full day session with Dr. Stephen Hassard, a Google certified Design Sprint Master from YouTube who will be spending an entire day on Design Sprint.

We have teachers, game developers, administrators, game store staff and so much more. Local game stores Game Knight and A Muse N Games will be set up again this year. Gameitoba will join us to talk about their gaming event in November. Like last year, we will start the night before with some networking and games. Prizes will be given away through the whole event. There will also be a newly designed GAME t-shirt for you to purchase. Bring cash, they will go fast. 

Combine all this with almost twice as many sessions to choose from, good luck trying to choose only two..

The entire list of sessions can be found here. Go to the MTS Website to register here.

See you there!